ββAfter 10am: 352-271-0780
Felicia Pres.
or Judy (727) 743-9338
in the early AM
These puppies came to CFR due to a medical issue in their prior home. They were well loved and cared for but all seven was just too much.
YES.... they are pure collie despite the floppy ears. We think that some generations back there was a Great Pyrenees dog.
Mom and Dad Ariel and Leo and one pup Nana, were adopted almost immediately by approved families eagerly waiting for "the right dog".
SIMBA is big and the only boy weighing in at 54 lbs.
He loves to play in the kiddie pool.
ELSA is very Lovable and affectionate. She is also very vocal.
βAll the pups ride well in a vehicle, are available on a special foster to adopt Spay/ Neuter contract.
Adoption Donation $350
Located at the Ranch in Gainesville, FL
ELSA, SIMBA, (ANNA, BELLE) 6 months, 3 sisters and a brother